Kimono Rental Okamoto (Yasakanoto Mae Shop), a kimono rental shop knowledgeable in kimono and all things Kyoto

Kimono Rental Okamoto (Yasakanoto Mae Shop)

Mar 11, 2020

A shop of long-standing established 180 years ago Okamoto is the origin of kimono rental for tourists.
Okamoto has seven kimono rental shops in the center of Kyoto tourist spots such as Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Yasaka Shrine
and Gion and a total number of 30,000 select kimonos, each shop having over 1000 kimonos on hand!
A kimono rental plan includes dressing by a professional. Feel free to come empty-handed to tourist spots
like Gion and Kiyomizu-dera Temple and enjoy strolling in the ancient city of Kyoto by kimono.

創業180年の老舗『岡本』は、観光の着物レンタル発祥の店。 清水寺・八坂神社・祇園など京都の観光地ど真ん中に7店舗の
レンタル着物店を構えてお ります。 こだわりのレンタル着物は総数30,000着、各店1,000着以上常備!
祇園・清水寺など京都の観光スポットまで手ぶらでお越しいただき、着物でお散歩しなが ら古都京都の町をお楽しみ下さい。