Gion Okuoka Enjoying Kyoto cuisine in a machiya-style interior with a view of a courtyard in Gion, Kyoto


Mar 17, 2020

Near Yasaka Shrine and Yasui-Konpiragu Shrine, both known for match-making, Kyoto Cuisine Gion Okuoka is a Kyoto machiya-style
(a "machiya" is a traditional Japanese townhouse) restaurant with a view of a courtyard and
where customers can experience Kyoto hospitality. The cuisine consists of broth,
Kyoto vegetables, seasonal fish and other healthy ingredients. One can enjoy an extensive menu including soy milk nabe (hot pot)
with boiled tofu, from clay pot rice consisting of seasonal ingredients to Kyoto cuisine using Japanese beef.

京料理 祇園おくおかは、縁結びの八坂神社と安井金毘羅宮のほど近くの、 坪庭の見える京都らしい町家風のお店で
みなさまをおもてなしします。 お料理は、お出汁、京野菜、旬のお魚等、素材の素直な美味しさを引き出し体に優しい素材を使用。
豆乳湯豆腐鍋をはじめ、季節の素材を活かした土鍋ご飯から 和牛を使った京料理まで幅広く楽しんでいただけます。